Hot, hotter, battery problems? How to protect your battery-powered devices in summer

/ / Battery Technology

Summer is now slowly getting underway in Germany and we are all looking forward to the high temperatures. But have you ever thought about what this means for your battery-powered device? The heat has a significant impact on the performance and lifespan of batteries in portable devices such as smartphones, laptops and cameras. In this article, we answer two important questions:

How does the summer heat affect the performance of batteries in portable devices?

Heat is fundamentally bad for battery cells. The general scientific rule is that chemical reactions double with a 10°C increase in temperature. This means that your devices age much faster at high temperatures. Black smartphones and tablets in particular can get very hot in direct sunlight, for example behind a window. Modern lithium-ion batteries are specified up to a temperature of 60°C, but this limit can easily be exceeded in extreme heat. Short-term overheating does not usually pose a safety risk. However, this should be avoided as it significantly accelerates the ageing process of the battery.

The heat increases the pressure in the battery cells, which in the worst case can lead to complete failure. In addition, the devices monitor the battery temperature and first reduce the display brightness before switching themselves off in extreme cases. Even stricter temperature limits apply when charging: Rechargeable lithium batteries may only be charged up to 45°C, otherwise the charger switches off for safety reasons.

Are there ways to actively cool my battery at high temperatures?

Actively cooling your appliances is not a good idea, as this can lead to damage due to condensation. However, there are some simple measures you can take to protect your appliances from overheating:

  • Avoid direct sunlight: Do not leave your devices in direct sunlight, especially behind windows or in cars.
  • Reduce usage: Less intensive use reduces heat generation. Close unnecessary background applications and use the energy-saving mode.
  • Reduce display brightness: Reduce the brightness of the display to minimize internal heating.
  • Use suitable cases: Use good cases for your devices that offer some protection from heat, especially for cameras.
  • Avoid physical contact: Do not carry your devices in your trouser pocket as the body emits additional heat.

To summarize, careful use of your portable devices in summer can significantly extend their service life. Avoid overheating due to direct sunlight and intensive use, and adopt efficient charging and usage habits. With these tips, your battery-powered devices will remain fit and efficient even in summer temperatures. Enjoy the summer and make sure your technology is optimally protected at the same time!