The title of “Champion” is only awarded, both privately and professionally, to those who have proven over a long period of time that they belong to the absolute top in their field. The title of “Champion” has been achieved through a high degree of perseverance, commitment and discipline. A title that attests to the person

Jauch Quartz GmbH from Villingen-Schwenningen is celebrating an important anniversary this month: 70 years of successful company history. The company was founded on July 1, 1954 by Herbert Christian Jauch and entered in the commercial register of the town of Schwenningen. Today, the company is managed by Thomas Jauch, the son of the founder, who

The Jauch Trainees and Students of 2023

The start of an apprenticeship is an exciting time, full of new impressions, challenges, and opportunities for professional and personal development. We are Vivienne, Max, and Lucia, we are in the second year of our training, and we would like to give you an insight into our daily training routine at Jauch. An exciting beginning

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A few people are standing in front of a large whiteboard in the meeting room. The sales department, two OKR Masters and a member of the management board, look at colorful index cards on which objectives are noted. Individual objectives are explained while the colleagues from Sales listen intently. Then the discussion starts: what contribution

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Header 3D-Drucker

A new machine is improving our sample and prototype construction in Villingen-Schwenningen – although calling it a ‘machine’ may be stretching it 😊. Instead, what we have is a 3D printer, which brings a number of advantages: both our customers and our own in-house staff now benefit from greater speed and flexibility when it comes

The topic of permanent development has a high priority at Jauch. Not only with regard to our products and services, but also internally we are continuously working on it. During the last months, as an example, we have further developed the Logistics department (Incoming Goods, Warehouse and Shipping) and implemented new working methods and processes.

Porträtfoto Thomas Jauch

The Jauch Group has grown alongside their frequency control products and – with their early entry into the battery technology market – they are now working in two promising growth areas. “On the 65th anniversary of the company, the signs still point to further expansion,” said Managing Director Thomas Jauch. 65 years ago, Herbert Christian

Jauch-employees form a 65

Jauch celebrates 65th birthday

65 years of Jauch – this calls for a celebration! And that’s exactly what we did last weekend at our headquarters in Villingen-Schwenningen. Around 200 guests – current and former Jauch employees with their families – did not want to miss this. After the welcome by Detlev Seiler, member of the management board, the first

Like many things that have their roots in the Black Forest, the Jauch Quartz success story begins with clocks and watches: one of the biggest hits of the 1950s, along with wrist watches and longcase clocks, was the alarm clock in a metal case. After all, no one wanted to miss out on the economic

Jauch Quartz at Villingen City Run

Last Sunday, the City Run Villingen took place for the 14th time. Almost 2600 runners populated the 2.3-kilometre round through the old town of Villingen. Jauch also participated with 14 runners who were busy doing their laps in optimal running weather. Inspired by the cheering and the live music at the edge of the track,

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