Customer Success Story: Highest frequency stability for the tire pressure monitoring system sensor from TireCheck

/ / Customer Success Stories, Frequency Control Products

A sensor that increases the safety of truck drivers and has a positive effect on the sustainability of tires – this is the mission pursued by TireCheck, a company specializing in the manufacture of tire management systems and tire pressure sensors for commercial vehicles.

One notable innovation from TireCheck is the belt-mounted Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) sensor. This sensor is attached to a patented TireCheck Velcro strap, allowing the sensor to be mounted directly on the rim. This makes the product suitable for use in assembly lines as well as for retrofit projects where quick and precise installation is crucial.

“The sensor continuously measures the tire pressure and temperature of the tire directly on the wheel. This data is transmitted to a suitable communication device every 40 seconds, which enables real-time monitoring of the tire condition and contributes to the safety and efficient operation of the vehicle,” explains Christian Markert, Managing Director at TireCheck.


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The placement of the sensor on the vehicle wheel posed several challenges for the developers at TireCheck. Ensuring high temperature resistance and excellent frequency stability under vibrations were critical when selecting the components. TireCheck conducted extensive research and identified Jauch as a potential partner, impressed by their positive reviews and Jauch’s broad product portfolio ultimately convinced them.

Two crystals are installed in the TPMS sensor. “Due to the special requirements the sensor is exposed to on the wheel, we opted for two JXS21P4 crystals,” explains Bruno Gally, Sales Manager at Jauch Quartz.

The JXS21P4 crystals are specifically designed for automotive applications, and is currently the highest quality package on the market. Offering a temperature range of -40 to +125 degrees C, making them ideal for TPMS systems. Another mandatory requirement is particularly high shock and vibration resistance. The high immunity to shocks and vibrations is achieved in the JXS21P4 by a special mounting technique of the quartz plate within the package.

Two JXS21P4 crystals are installed in the TPMS system.

TireCheck is very satisfied with both the products and the collaboration with Jauch. The components meet the stringent requirements, proving to be robust and reliable in everyday use.

“The collaboration with Jauch is very positive. With Jauch, we have found a reliable and competent supplier of crystals who consistently meets our quality and on-time delivery requirements. The smooth communication and technical expertise of Jauch confirm our choice,”

Andreas Schimpf, Supply Chain Manager at TireCheck.

Bruno Gally, Sales Manager

+49 7720 945 145

Bruno Gally | LinkedIn