Young child sleeping and wearing the NightWatch armband.

Approximately 1 percent of people worldwide suffer from epilepsy. In numbers, that’s one in 100 to one in 150 people. In 30 percent of them, the disease is even incurable. This means that they are unable to control their seizures with the help of medication. Recurrent seizures are the result. “Seizures that occur during sleep

Zwei Personen mit mobilem EEG auf dem Kopf.

Electroencephalography, or EEG for short, is a methodology for measuring tiny brain signals that are quite difficult to capture. You can likely imagine how these tests look like: Participants have electrodes and lots of cables around their heads while being in a lab. However, these complex systems cannot measure the human brain in the natural

Headerbild INS

In minimally invasive interventions, it is very important to work as accurately as possible. The motorized arm for the positioning and holding of medical equipment from the Austrian company Interventional Systems (INS) supports doctors during these interventions. Powered by a Jauch battery, it makes positioning and repositioning instruments easier than ever while keeping them steady.

CAD Zeichnung der Bodeneinheit für das Steasy Batteriepack

There was recently a post on this blog regarding our 3D printer used for making samples and prototypes. The 3D printer allows both our customers and us to enjoy speed and flexibility in various process steps. For instance, this is true for the start-up Steasy®: We printed a mount designed to hold the start-up’s custom

Header: Ein Batteriepack für XSPECTER

Founded in October – and on the market within just six months: Start-up XSPECTER has its T-CROW XRII to thank for this success. The product behind this futuristic name is a special tripod for thermal imaging and night vision cameras. The product: A controllable 3D-printed camera tripod The T-CROW XRII is a controllable camera tripod

Ein Feuerwerhmann benutzt eine Wärmebildkamera. Im Hintergrund ist ein Feuerwehrauto zu sehen und es sprühen Funken

Everybody knows the emergency number for the fire department. And probably everyone hopes they are never forced to dial it. But in fact, this happens more often than you might think. This is shown by current statistics from the German Fire Brigade Association. According to these, the fire department was called out around 700 times


Everyday activities such as tying shoes or eating with knife and fork are almost impossible for patients with paralyzed or weakened hands. The German-based start-up HKK Bionics is aiming to help these people with its newly developed hand orthosis. “Our exomotion® hand one is a kind of motorized partial glove with forearm splint,” explains Dominik

Gabelstapler im Logistikzentrum

Online-shoppers have long since become accustomed to being able to trace the route of their package from the sender to their front door. Tracking goods in real time is part of everyday life in the mail order business and is now also finding its way into warehouse logistics. Manufacturing companies need to be aware of