Why smart metering is the future of energy supply and why nothing works in this area without reliable frequency components and stable power sources
Everyone is talking about “smart metering”. But what exactly is this buzzword all about? And why would this technology be pretty much useless without frequency-stable clocks and reliable power sources? By “smart metering”, we are talking about a technology that monitors and analyzes energy consumption in residential and commercial facilities in real time. “Smart meters”
- Published in Battery Technology, Frequency Control Products
Compliance with the tolerance budget of applications: long-term aging must be taken into account
Each application has a tolerance budget in terms of frequency deviation that must be adhered to even in the worst case scenario in order to ensure that the application functions. Developers must therefore be aware of all factors that can lead to frequency deviations. The sum of all worst-case scenarios of these factors must not
- Published in Frequency Control Products
From assembly to the final product – the last stages in the quartz manufacturing process
In the blog posts Ask the Product Manager: Are real rock crystals used for production of oscillating quartz crystals? and Quartz production process: from quartz block to quartz blank, we have already taken a closer look at the first stages in quartz production, what material the quartz blanks are made of and what steps are
- Published in Frequency Control Products
Why does a quartz crystal have to be hermetically sealed?
What you always wanted to know about quartz crystals, but didn’t dare ask until now … – Why does a quartz crystal have to be hermetically sealed? At the end of the complex production of a quartz, or rather the small quartz disc, the quartz blank, it has to be mounted in a housing that
- Published in Frequency Control Products