Charging Process: Lithium-batteries are charged with constant current until a voltage of 4.2 V is reached at the cells. Next, the voltage is kept constant, and charging continues for a certain time. The charger then switches off further charging either after a preset time or when a minimum current is reached. In the rare event

What special features are there to consider when designing-in a lithium polymer cell? An important point, according to battery expert Dr Jürgen Heydecke, is certainly the so-called “swelling”, the natural swelling of a lithium polymer cell in a fully charged state and over cycles. A fully charged cell is thicker than a discharged one. During

Ein Feuerwerhmann benutzt eine Wärmebildkamera. Im Hintergrund ist ein Feuerwehrauto zu sehen und es sprühen Funken

Everybody knows the emergency number for the fire department. And probably everyone hopes they are never forced to dial it. But in fact, this happens more often than you might think. This is shown by current statistics from the German Fire Brigade Association. According to these, the fire department was called out around 700 times

Electronic Locking Cylinder

Electronic locking cylinders have long since replaced mechanical locks in many companies. Not the key, but the transponder or key card is granting access to the company building. In private homes, too, the trend is moving towards the electronic lock. Depending on the product and manufacturer, door locks can even be opened by cell phone.


Everyday activities such as tying shoes or eating with knife and fork are almost impossible for patients with paralyzed or weakened hands. The German-based start-up HKK Bionics is aiming to help these people with its newly developed hand orthosis. “Our exomotion® hand one is a kind of motorized partial glove with forearm splint,” explains Dominik

Gabelstapler im Logistikzentrum

Online-shoppers have long since become accustomed to being able to trace the route of their package from the sender to their front door. Tracking goods in real time is part of everyday life in the mail order business and is now also finding its way into warehouse logistics. Manufacturing companies need to be aware of

Das Lager der Jauch Quartz GmvH in Villingen-Schwenningen

24 million quartz crystals, oscillators and MEMS components are stored at the Jauch Headquarters in Germany, on average of course! This makes the medium-sized company from the Black Forest one of the world’s largest warehouses for frequency control products. The main advantage of the large stock is speed. Often, components from Jauch’s broad portfolio are