In developing an electronic assembly, one of the steps involved includes choosing the appropriate frequency control product. The basic question at the outset is whether to install a quartz crystal or an oscillator. To reach the right decision, several parameters need to be considered. These include the many different requirements of the application, the device,

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Produktmanagerin Leonie Weißer und Ingenieur Mathias Laskus schauen sich eine Leiterplatte genau an. Im Hintergrund sind ein Bildschirm und ein Oszilloskop zu sehen.

For several years now the term ‘Internet of Things’ has been in common parlance. Devices that are part of the ‘IoT’ can communicate with each other wirelessly. This is generally achieved using current standards such as WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, and 5G. The Internet of Things also changes the requirements placed on the devices themselves. Today

Header Long-Term Aging of Quartz Crystals

Each application has a tolerance budget in terms of frequency deviation that must be adhered to even in the worst case scenario in order to ensure that the application functions. Developers must therefore be aware of all factors that can lead to frequency deviations. The sum of all worst-case scenarios of these factors must not

SiO2 – this is the chemical name of the base material for oscillating quartz crystals. The formula shows that it is composed of only two elements: silicon and oxygen. We also find SiO2 in its crystalline form in the nature: as natural rock crystals. Here, the question arises: Are real rock crystals used for production

The topic of component shortage is omnipresent. Nowadays, almost every electronic component is affected. The reasons? There are various of them and they include supply problems, as well as, correspondingly, the availability of the components. Others can be traced back to digitization, resulting in an increased number of final products and, due to this, a

Nowadays, Christmas without quartz crystals is unimaginable! Why? Even the modern time switches for outdoor lighting need a quartz to have an accurate time base. Also, a lot of our gifts are based on state-of-the-art electronics. Cell phones, smartwatches, PCs – they all need highly accurate frequency giving components to communicate with each other. Without

Do you already know the similarity between a quartz blank and a pillow? Exactly! Both have the same shape. The so-called “bevelling” or “contouring” in the production process of quartz blanks results in the characteristic lens shape of quartz blanks. “This procedure is mainly used for ‘thicker’ blanks, which are in the low frequency range,

What you always wanted to know about quartz crystals, but didn’t dare ask until now … – Why does a quartz crystal have to be hermetically sealed? At the end of the complex production of a quartz, or rather the small quartz disc, the quartz blank, it has to be mounted in a housing that

Nahaufnahme aus der industriellen Produktion von SMD-Quarzen

A fast and smooth data transmission is critical in today’s world. Network and server systems are designed to process and forward information at lightning fast speeds. To achieve this, many of these applications depend on frequencies in the three-digit megahertz (MHz) range. Such high frequencies cannot be generated with an AT-crystal in the fundamental tone.

Like many things that have their roots in the Black Forest, the Jauch Quartz success story begins with clocks and watches: one of the biggest hits of the 1950s, along with wrist watches and longcase clocks, was the alarm clock in a metal case. After all, no one wanted to miss out on the economic